Quotes of Marilyn Suttle - somelinesforyou

“ Truth builds trust. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Truth builds trust. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ For every dilemma, find at least three or four possible solutions. The creative process leads to better results. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Moods can be contagious. Don't catch or spread a bad mood. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ People who work in an environment where doing their best is recognized have a better chance of feeling good about their work. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Notice the difference between being in control and needing control. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ When you depersonalize abrasive behavior and see it as a call for help you become a catalyst for the best kind of change. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Optimists move through life with a happy exterior. What happens on the inside shows up on the outside. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ When you give appreciation IN ORDER TO get something– it's manipulation and people can sense it. Appreciate genuinely. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Do an evening review at the end of the day to reflect on what went well, and what you'd do differently next time. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Moods can be contagious. Don't catch or spread a bad mood. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ People who work in an environment where doing their best is recognized have a better chance of feeling good about their work. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Notice the difference between being in control and needing control. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Optimists move through life with a happy exterior. What happens on the inside shows up on the outside. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ When you give appreciation IN ORDER TO get something– it's manipulation and people can sense it. Appreciate genuinely. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ When you’re busy, avoid taking the quickest action. Instead make the extra effort to truly serve the customer. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Do an evening review at the end of the day to reflect on what went well, and what you'd do differently next time. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Notice the difference between being in control and needing control. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Peace is achieved by accepting the things you're not willing to change and changing the things your not willing to accept. ”

- Marilyn Suttle

“ Peace is achieved by accepting the things you're not willing to change and changing the things your not willing to accept. ”

- Marilyn Suttle
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