Quotes of Mariah Burton Nelson - somelinesforyou

“ Think of yourself as an athlete. I guarantee you it will change the way you walk, the way you work, and the decisions you make about leadership, teamwork, and success. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition is about passion for perfection, and passion for other people who join in this impossible quest. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition is about passion for perfection, and passion for other people who join in this impossible quest. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition is about passion for perfection, and passion for other people who join in this impossible quest. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition is about passion for perfection, and passion for other people who join in this impossible quest. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition is about passion for perfection, and passion for other people who join in this impossible quest. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson

“ Competition can damage self-esteem, create anxiety, and lead to cheating and hurt feelings. But so can romantic love. ”

- Mariah Burton Nelson
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