Quotes of Maria Karvouni - somelinesforyou

“ At the end of the day, what is life? A beautiful journey. Why must we take it so seriously and not enjoy every moment of it? Why not let any person have his chance in anything he desires? ...Why not vanish the hate and forgive? Why not follow our dreams and make them reality? ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Usually people don't see beyond the surface of things and cannot understand more other than the obvious; they are used to judging a book by its cover, and that is why they don't hesitate to bully. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Anger occurs from injustices against us. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Bad things happen to our life so as to favor the good things that will happen next. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Bad things happen to our life so as to favor the good things that will happen next. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ At the end of the day, what all people outright want from their life? To make their dreams come true, so as to escape from the mundane world. However, reality often prevents them from that. Others accept that fate, lacking the courage to follow their dreams or the belief that they will make it. They don't want to risk what they have built to walk on an undiscovered path that is uncertain where will lead. So, they stay in safe grounds. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ No one has ever reached perfection in the first stations of a desirable destination. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Sometimes will is what eventually makes the difference. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Perfection is not the ultimate requirement in order someone to have a remarkable career and to deserve to have one, not only in music but everywhere. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ You become what you have as a need the most to become. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ At the end of the day, what is life? A beautiful journey. Why must we take it so seriously and not enjoy every moment of it? Why not let any person have his chance in anything he desires? ...Why not vanish the hate and forgive? Why not follow our dreams and make them reality? ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ There is no truth; Everything is a strategy for interests. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Anger occurs from injustices against us. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ The people you meet in your life, you meet them for a specific purpose: To help them and to be helped by them. So, try to spot the treasure in your everyday life, because one day you may realize you had the treasure and you lost it. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ If we keep being fair despite the injustices against us, in the end, life will reward us, I believe. The world isn't fair, because it's imperfect. Right and wrong coexist. But we should stick to morality to help the world become better. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Regardless from beliefs and political directions, there is always something inspiring that a strong personality has to teach the world. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Words don't define works. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Sometimes will is what eventually makes the difference. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ History teaches us how to go forwards in the right way. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ I joined social media to get over an unrequited love of real life. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ When someone needs something in order to feel better, that something returns her love. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Everyone wants to help the world, but first and foremost everyone wants to help oneself. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ The greatest virtue a person can have is not the fortune of material goods, but the fortune of intellectual values. This is the only way this world can be a better place. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ When someone needs something in order to feel better, that something returns him love. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ The truth belongs to the experience. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ It is better to not believe a truth than to believe a lie, because this defines yourself too. If you believe a lie that has negative effects, it shows you may have malicious intentions. But if you don't believe a truth that has negative effects, then you may be welldisposed. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Through knowledge and experience, I have learned to doubt everything. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ To me, honors don't matter; they only differentiate people and therefore they distract from the equality purpose. It goes the efforts all people to be regarded as equals backwards. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ The truth belongs to the experience, not the attempt of third parties to interpret a story, without knowing the exact incidents, but only one or a few facts. ”

- Maria Karvouni

“ Usually people don't see beyond the surface of things and cannot understand more other than the obvious; they are used to judging a book by its cover, and that is why they don't hesitate to bully. ”

- Maria Karvouni
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