Quotes of Marguerite Oswald - somelinesforyou

“ Lee was such a fine, high-class boy. If my son killed the president he would have said so. That's the way he was brought up. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ Lee was such a fine, high-class boy. If my son killed the president he would have said so. That's the way he was brought up. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ This young man-whether he's my son or a stranger-repeatedly declares, I didn't do it, I didn't do it. And he's shot down. That's not the American way of life. A man is innocent until he's proved guilty. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ This young man-whether he's my son or a stranger-repeatedly declares, I didn't do it, I didn't do it. And he's shot down. That's not the American way of life. A man is innocent until he's proved guilty. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ Lee was such a fine, high-class boy. If my son killed the president he would have said so. That's the way he was brought up. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ Lee was such a fine, high-class boy. If my son killed the president he would have said so. That's the way he was brought up. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ This young man-whether he's my son or a stranger-repeatedly declares, I didn't do it, I didn't do it. And he's shot down. That's not the American way of life. A man is innocent until he's proved guilty. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ This young man-whether he's my son or a stranger-repeatedly declares, I didn't do it, I didn't do it. And he's shot down. That's not the American way of life. A man is innocent until he's proved guilty. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ Lee was such a fine, high-class boy. If my son killed the president he would have said so. That's the way he was brought up. ”

- Marguerite Oswald

“ Mr Johnson should remember that I am not just anyone and that he is only president of the United States by the grace of my son's action. ”

- Marguerite Oswald
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