Quotes of Major General Sir William Napier - somelinesforyou

“ Honorable retreats are no ways inferior to brave charges, as having less fortune, more of discipline, and as much valor. ”

- Major General Sir William Napier

“ Honorable retreats are no ways inferior to brave charges, as having less fortune, more of discipline, and as much valor. ”

- Major General Sir William Napier

“ Honorable retreats are no ways inferior to brave charges, as having less fortune, more of discipline, and as much valor. ”

- Major General Sir William Napier

“ Honorable retreats are no ways inferior to brave charges, as having less fortune, more of discipline, and as much valor. ”

- Major General Sir William Napier

“ Honorable retreats are no ways inferior to brave charges, as having less fortune, more of discipline, and as much valor. ”

- Major General Sir William Napier

“ Honorable retreats are no ways inferior to brave charges, as having less fortune, more of discipline, and as much valor. ”

- Major General Sir William Napier
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