Quotes of Lyndon Johnson - somelinesforyou

“ If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: 'PRESIDENT CAN'T SWIM.'. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ The world has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ The world has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ The world has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ Jerry Ford is so dumb that he can't fart and chew gum at the same time. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ I pray we are still a young and courageous nation, that we have not grown so old and so fat and so prosperous that all we can think about is to sit back with our arms around our money bags. If we choose to do that I have no doubt that the smoldering fires will burst into flame and consume us / dollars and all. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ If one little old general in shirt sleeves can take Saigon, think about 200 million Chinese comin' down those trails. No sir, I don't want to fight them. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ What we won when all of our people united must not be lost in suspicion and distrust and selfishness and politics. Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as president. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ I pray we are still a young and courageous nation, that we have not grown so old and so fat and so prosperous that all we can think about is to sit back with our arms around our money bags. If we choose to do that I have no doubt that the smoldering fires will burst into flame and consume us / dollars and all. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ It is important that the United States remain a two-party system. I'm a fellow who likes small parties and the Republican Party can't be too small to suit me. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ If one little old general in shirt sleeves can take Saigon, think about 200 million Chinese comin' down those trails. No sir, I don't want to fight them. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ Jerry Ford is so dumb that he can't fart and chew gum at the same time. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ If one little old general in shirt sleeves can take Saigon, think about 200 million Chinese comin' down those trails. No sir, I don't want to fight them. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ What convinces is conviction. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ A rioter with a Molotov cocktail in his hands is not fighting for civil rights any more than a Klansman... They are both... lawbreakers, destroyers of constitutional rights and liberties and ultimately destroyers of a free America. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ If one little old general in shirt sleeves can take Saigon, think about 200 million Chinese comin' down those trails. No sir, I don't want to fight them. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. It is time now to write the next chapter-and to write it in the books of law. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ There are no favorites in my office. I treat them all with the same general inconsideration. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ The world has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ There are no favorites in my office. I treat them all with the same general inconsideration. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ What we won when all of our people united must not be lost in suspicion and distrust and selfishness and politics. Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as president. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ While you're saving your face, you're losing your ass. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ While you're saving your face, you're losing your ass. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ The world has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ I believe, with abiding conviction, that this people-nurtured by their deep faith, tutored by their hard lessons, moved by their high aspirations-have the will to meet the trials that these times impose. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ At the desk where I sit, I have learned one great truth. The answer for all our national problems - the answer for all the problems of the world - come to a single word. That word is education. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ Only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way, and the other is to let her have it. ”

- Lyndon Johnson

“ While you're saving your face, you're losing your ass. ”

- Lyndon Johnson
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