Quotes of Luther Vandross - somelinesforyou

“ I feel a sense of sadness and joy. Mostly sadness though about what I've experienced and sadness about what others have experienced in reference to the stroke. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I was never 'the new Teddy Pendergrass,' 'the new Sam Cooke,' 'the new Otis Redding,' 'the new Marvin Gaye.' I was Luther from day one, from the day I began, and I think that's a very important thing. And I think that's what sustained my career for so long is that when I start, you know it's me. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ All through school, I was losing hundreds of pounds in school, so that's a journey - that's an old journey. I'm tired of that. I know that road. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ All through school, I was losing hundreds of pounds in school, so that's a journey - that's an old journey. I'm tired of that. I know that road. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I was never 'the new Teddy Pendergrass,' 'the new Sam Cooke,' 'the new Otis Redding,' 'the new Marvin Gaye.' I was Luther from day one, from the day I began, and I think that's a very important thing. And I think that's what sustained my career for so long is that when I start, you know it's me. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ See, I'm not the type of writer that has 400 songs in a suitcase someplace on the shelf. I'm sort of a rise-to-the-occasion-type of writer, so when I know I'm going to record, I get in the mood to write. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I was never 'the new Teddy Pendergrass,' 'the new Sam Cooke,' 'the new Otis Redding,' 'the new Marvin Gaye.' I was Luther from day one, from the day I began, and I think that's a very important thing. And I think that's what sustained my career for so long is that when I start, you know it's me. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I was never 'the new Teddy Pendergrass,' 'the new Sam Cooke,' 'the new Otis Redding,' 'the new Marvin Gaye.' I was Luther from day one, from the day I began, and I think that's a very important thing. And I think that's what sustained my career for so long is that when I start, you know it's me. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I was never 'the new Teddy Pendergrass,' 'the new Sam Cooke,' 'the new Otis Redding,' 'the new Marvin Gaye.' I was Luther from day one, from the day I began, and I think that's a very important thing. And I think that's what sustained my career for so long is that when I start, you know it's me. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I'd like to be remembered as a premier singer of songs, not just a popular act of a given period. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ All through school, I was losing hundreds of pounds in school, so that's a journey - that's an old journey. I'm tired of that. I know that road. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I feel a sense of sadness and joy. Mostly sadness though about what I've experienced and sadness about what others have experienced in reference to the stroke. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I was never 'the new Teddy Pendergrass,' 'the new Sam Cooke,' 'the new Otis Redding,' 'the new Marvin Gaye.' I was Luther from day one, from the day I began, and I think that's a very important thing. And I think that's what sustained my career for so long is that when I start, you know it's me. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ All through school, I was losing hundreds of pounds in school, so that's a journey - that's an old journey. I'm tired of that. I know that road. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I'd like to be remembered as a premier singer of songs, not just a popular act of a given period. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I feel a sense of sadness and joy. Mostly sadness though about what I've experienced and sadness about what others have experienced in reference to the stroke. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ I feel a sense of sadness and joy. Mostly sadness though about what I've experienced and sadness about what others have experienced in reference to the stroke. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ See, I'm not the type of writer that has 400 songs in a suitcase someplace on the shelf. I'm sort of a rise-to-the-occasion-type of writer, so when I know I'm going to record, I get in the mood to write. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ See, I'm not the type of writer that has 400 songs in a suitcase someplace on the shelf. I'm sort of a rise-to-the-occasion-type of writer, so when I know I'm going to record, I get in the mood to write. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ See, I'm not the type of writer that has 400 songs in a suitcase someplace on the shelf. I'm sort of a rise-to-the-occasion-type of writer, so when I know I'm going to record, I get in the mood to write. ”

- Luther Vandross

“ See, I'm not the type of writer that has 400 songs in a suitcase someplace on the shelf. I'm sort of a rise-to-the-occasion-type of writer, so when I know I'm going to record, I get in the mood to write. ”

- Luther Vandross
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