Quotes of Luis Rodriguez - somelinesforyou

“ It's like a chill spot, people go over there and gossip. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ It's like a chill spot, people go over there and gossip. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ My mom was the glue that kept the family together. She would talk, and everyone would follow. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Say a prayer and light a candle, that's about all you can do. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ We have the right to lie, but not about the heart of the matter. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez

“ Usually, the girls just get two minutes on the phone, then they're off,... This is different. Compassion is needed. ”

- Luis Rodriguez
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