Quotes of Louise Bourgeois - somelinesforyou

“ Solitude, a rest from responsibilities, and peace of mind, will do you more good than the atmosphere of the studio and the conversations which, generally speaking, are a waste of time. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ Tell your own story, and you will be interesting. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ To be an artist, you need to exist in a world of silence. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ Art is a way of recognizing oneself. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ Art is restoration: the idea is to repair the damages that are inflicted in life, to make something that is fragmented – which is what fear and anxiety do to a person – into something whole. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ An artist can show things that other people are terrified of expressing. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ I came from a family of repairers. The spider is a repairer. If you bash into the web of a spider, she doesn't get mad. She weaves and repairs it. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ England is very, very important to me, because in my family the English could do no wrong. When my father picked a mistress, it was always an English girl: if he made her pregnant, she could be shipped back to England and he would not be held responsible… ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ An artist can show things that other people are terrified of expressing. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ An artist can show things that other people are terrified of expressing. ”

- Louise Bourgeois

“ An artist can show things that other people are terrified of expressing. ”

- Louise Bourgeois
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