Quotes of Louis Orr - somelinesforyou

“ I give Rutgers some credit. They tried to make Kelly uncomfortable with the doubling. ”

- Louis Orr

“ He knows how to play. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the NBA in his future. But it's not up to me to say when. ”

- Louis Orr

“ I give Rutgers some credit. They tried to make Kelly uncomfortable with the doubling. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ He knows how to play. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the NBA in his future. But it's not up to me to say when. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship or statesmanship to a formula. ”

- Louis Orr

“ I give Rutgers some credit. They tried to make Kelly uncomfortable with the doubling. ”

- Louis Orr
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