Quotes of Lloyd Doggett - somelinesforyou

“ What precedent are we setting in doing this for one industry and not for others? ”

- Lloyd Doggett

“ What precedent are we setting in doing this for one industry and not for others? ”

- Lloyd Doggett

“ What precedent are we setting in doing this for one industry and not for others? ”

- Lloyd Doggett

“ What precedent are we setting in doing this for one industry and not for others? ”

- Lloyd Doggett

“ What precedent are we setting in doing this for one industry and not for others? ”

- Lloyd Doggett

“ Sometimes when you get in a fight with a skunk, you can't tell who started it. ”

- Lloyd Doggett

“ Sometimes when you get in a fight with a skunk, you can't tell who started it. ”

- Lloyd Doggett

“ What precedent are we setting in doing this for one industry and not for others? ”

- Lloyd Doggett
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