Quotes of Linda Evans - somelinesforyou

“ Just when it seems as if trouble is set to destroy your hope, future, or family, God's resurrection power can help you rise above it all. ”

- Linda Evans Shepherd

“ A lament is an act of worship, a faith statement of trust, in the face of difficulty. It's a wonderfully honest way to acknowledge our trouble to God as we also acknowledge our hope is in him. ”

- Linda Evans Shepherd

“ Mercy, though crucial, brings us through, but grace adds an extra touch of God's goodness. ”

- Linda Evans Shepherd

“ The enemy knows God has a purpose and plan for your life. The enemy is the one who wants you to give up. ”

- Linda Evans Shepherd

“ Peace is about going deeper in God. It's about trusting him and yielding our worries and fears to the Holy Spirit who is already at work inside us. It's about placing our focus heavenward instead of fixing our focus on our struggles ”

- Linda Evans Shepherd

“ Just when it seems as if trouble is set to destroy your hope, future, or family, God's resurrection power can help you rise above it all. ”

- Linda Evans Shepherd

“ You cry tears when a man leaves you at any age - it doesn't matter whether you are 20 or 60. ”

- Linda Evans
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