Quotes of Lillian Vernon - somelinesforyou

“ Here is where some entrepreneurs fail. They are filled with creative juices and total commitment to their business, but too often they don't understand that they must also be managers, administrators, even gofers — at least for a while. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Here is where some entrepreneurs fail. They are filled with creative juices and total commitment to their business, but too often they don't understand that they must also be managers, administrators, even gofers — at least for a while. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Here is where some entrepreneurs fail. They are filled with creative juices and total commitment to their business, but too often they don't understand that they must also be managers, administrators, even gofers — at least for a while. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Here is where some entrepreneurs fail. They are filled with creative juices and total commitment to their business, but too often they don't understand that they must also be managers, administrators, even gofers — at least for a while. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Here is where some entrepreneurs fail. They are filled with creative juices and total commitment to their business, but too often they don't understand that they must also be managers, administrators, even gofers — at least for a while. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Here is where some entrepreneurs fail. They are filled with creative juices and total commitment to their business, but too often they don't understand that they must also be managers, administrators, even gofers — at least for a while. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ I became successful due to several reasons. I never gave up and I never let anyone or anything get in my way. I use the power of positive thinking to tackle obstacles and challenges so they don't defeat me. Passion for my work and my business is another important reason… ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Here is where some entrepreneurs fail. They are filled with creative juices and total commitment to their business, but too often they don't understand that they must also be managers, administrators, even gofers — at least for a while. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Success is measured not necessarily by what others see, but what they don't see — personal self-worth. Success is accomplishing what you most wish for yourself. ”

- Lillian Vernon

“ Success is measured not necessarily by what others see, but what they don't see — personal self-worth. Success is accomplishing what you most wish for yourself. ”

- Lillian Vernon
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