Quotes of Leonard Bailey - somelinesforyou

“ More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation… and we can't waste time and resources if there is a chance the caretakers aren't up for an awesome responsibility. ”

- Leonard Bailey

“ More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation… and we can't waste time and resources if there is a chance the caretakers aren't up for an awesome responsibility. ”

- Leonard Bailey

“ More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation… and we can't waste time and resources if there is a chance the caretakers aren't up for an awesome responsibility. ”

- Leonard Bailey

“ More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation… and we can't waste time and resources if there is a chance the caretakers aren't up for an awesome responsibility. ”

- Leonard Bailey

“ More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation… and we can't waste time and resources if there is a chance the caretakers aren't up for an awesome responsibility. ”

- Leonard Bailey
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