Quotes of Leon Bloy - somelinesforyou

“ The worst evil is not to commit crimes, but to fail to do the good one might have done. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. ”

- Leon Bloy

“ I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. ”

- Leon Bloy
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