Quotes of Leo Stein - somelinesforyou

“ Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Poetry is adjectives expressed in nouns. ”

- Leo Stein

“ The wise man questions the wisdom of others because he questions his own, the foolish man, because it is different from his own. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Since there are only a few original people in the world, there is more uniformity than one might expect, in view of the large number who think they have something to say. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Poetry is adjectives expressed in nouns. ”

- Leo Stein

“ The wise man questions the wisdom of others because he questions his own, the foolish man, because it is different from his own. ”

- Leo Stein

“ The wise man questions the wisdom of others because he questions his own, the foolish man, because it is different from his own. ”

- Leo Stein

“ The wise man questions the wisdom of others because he questions his own, the foolish man, because it is different from his own. ”

- Leo Stein

“ The wise man questions the wisdom of others because he questions his own, the foolish man, because it is different from his own. ”

- Leo Stein

“ The wise man questions the wisdom of others because he questions his own, the foolish man, because it is different from his own. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Poetry is adjectives expressed in nouns. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence. ”

- Leo Stein

“ Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence. ”

- Leo Stein
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