Quotes of Larry Kramer - somelinesforyou

“ What we've done is complement the biggest college sports event of the year with the largest known simultaneous live viewing audience. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ We obviously were fairly conservative in how we sold it and were really pleased with it. Clearly our advertisers got a bonus. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ We obviously were fairly conservative in how we sold it and were really pleased with it. Clearly our advertisers got a bonus. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It would help a news organization deal with controversy because it brings it out into the open. If you believe as I do that we're an honest, hard-working news organization, all you need to do is have the ability to explain how you do what you do and they'll understand. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ This major expansion of CBSNews.com is designed to capture an audience that is increasingly looking for news and information at all times of the day... and using the Internet for that purpose. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ That's the dilemma we have with the portals. I want a younger and bigger audience, but I don't have an instant messenger or e-mail to build as much of an audience on my own Web sites. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ What we've done is complement the biggest college sports event of the year with the largest known simultaneous live viewing audience. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ What we've done is complement the biggest college sports event of the year with the largest known simultaneous live viewing audience. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ We're all going to go crazy, living this epidemic every minute, while the rest of the world goes on out there, all around us, as if nothing is happening, going on with their own lives and not knowing what it's like, what we're going through. We're living through war, but where they're living it's peacetime, and we're all in the same country. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ To get people to embrace a new technology, it's a vast improvement if you can introduce the product for free. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ We're all going to go crazy, living this epidemic every minute, while the rest of the world goes on out there, all around us, as if nothing is happening, going on with their own lives and not knowing what it's like, what we're going through. We're living through war, but where they're living it's peacetime, and we're all in the same country. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ What we've done is complement the biggest college sports event of the year with the largest known simultaneous live viewing audience. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ We obviously were fairly conservative in how we sold it and were really pleased with it. Clearly our advertisers got a bonus. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ We're all going to go crazy, living this epidemic every minute, while the rest of the world goes on out there, all around us, as if nothing is happening, going on with their own lives and not knowing what it's like, what we're going through. We're living through war, but where they're living it's peacetime, and we're all in the same country. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ This major expansion of CBSNews.com is designed to capture an audience that is increasingly looking for news and information at all times of the day... and using the Internet for that purpose. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It would help a news organization deal with controversy because it brings it out into the open. If you believe as I do that we're an honest, hard-working news organization, all you need to do is have the ability to explain how you do what you do and they'll understand. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ This major expansion of CBSNews.com is designed to capture an audience that is increasingly looking for news and information at all times of the day... and using the Internet for that purpose. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ This major expansion of CBSNews.com is designed to capture an audience that is increasingly looking for news and information at all times of the day... and using the Internet for that purpose. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ This major expansion of CBSNews.com is designed to capture an audience that is increasingly looking for news and information at all times of the day... and using the Internet for that purpose. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer

“ It's a silly law. Not because the Constitution isn't worth celebrating, but because this is a silly way to go about it. But to call it an infringement of academic freedom is to confuse a minorly inconvenient mandate with issues of much greater moment To blow this up into the first stages of tyranny is overdoing it quite a bit. ”

- Larry Kramer
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