Quotes of Kunal - somelinesforyou

“ Distractions secretly steal the most precious thing you have in your life – Time. ”

- Kunal

“ Constantly chasing happiness is the best way to stay unhappy. ”

- Kunal

“ The fear of coming up as a fool keeps you always a fool. ”

- Kunal

“ If any human concious able to define the God then he exactly don't know about the God. If willing to describe then he is beliver of the God. Because The God is unable to describe, if described then not about God. Because God is unable to describe, thats why there is God. The supreme power. ”

- kunal jajal

“ Your thoughts, your ideas, your inner being is directly influenced by people you spend time with, the group you are part of and the talks you share with them. Therefore, choose your company very carefully. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ God did not create the world. He himself became the world. This is the core of vedantism. Every object, every being, each conscious as well as inconcient being is the divine manifestation on planet earth. Since, each one is the god itself, we have learnt to love, respect and worship everything around us. Therefore millions of beings, millions of gods. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ God did not created the world. He himself became the world. This is the core of vedantism. Every object, every being, each conscious as well as inconcient being is the divine manifestation on planet earth. Since, each one is the god itself, we have learnt to love, respect and worship everything around us. Therefore millions of beings, millions of gods. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ Darkened space grew darker with each step I take, Only to reveal my real face ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ Command over language will satisfy your mortal ego. It is command over thoughts that will satisfy your ailing soul. Divine writers. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ The only change you can bring is in you; what precedes, is a reaction to it So stop pretending and start working. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ Your thoughts, your ideas, your inner being is directly influenced by people you spend time with, the group you are part of and the talks you share with them. Therefore, choose your company very carefully. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ God did not created the world. He himself became the world. This is the core of vedantism. Every object, every being, each conscious as well as inconcient being is the divine manifestation on planet earth. Since, each one is the god itself, we have learnt to love, respect and worship everything around us. Therefore millions of beings, millions of gods. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ The only change you can bring is in you; what precedes, is a reaction to it So stop pretending and start working. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ The only change you can bring is in you; what precedes, is a reaction to it. So stop pretending and start working. ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ If you won't respect yours, you can never give it to others. Yours truly RELIGION ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal

“ If you don't know the purpose of your life, there is no point in living ”

- Kunal Narayan Uniyal
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