Quotes of Krista Allen - somelinesforyou

“ At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I'm a firm believer that it's not the way you look or what you have, but what you've got inside. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I'm a firm believer that it's not the way you look or what you have, but what you've got inside. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I'm a firm believer that it's not the way you look or what you have, but what you've got inside. ”

- Krista Allen

“ Life is too short not to do a little practical joking. ”

- Krista Allen

“ At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it. ”

- Krista Allen

“ At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I think men are a beautiful creation. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I called them because my car was taken without my permission. My baby was inside of my car and they turned it around and put it on me. ”

- Krista Allen

“ At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it. ”

- Krista Allen

“ Life is too short not to do a little practical joking. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I think men are a beautiful creation. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I called them because my car was taken without my permission. My baby was inside of my car and they turned it around and put it on me. ”

- Krista Allen

“ At a pool party, with everybody around, a guy and I had sex in the pool, but nobody knew it. ”

- Krista Allen

“ I'm a firm believer that it's not the way you look or what you have, but what you've got inside. ”

- Krista Allen
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