Quotes of Krishna Chhetri - somelinesforyou

“ Whichever part of your body my eyes fall on, I will not only make love, I will spend me, myself & my entire life there. ”

- Krishna Chhetri

“ Even if all things turn to ash, you will still have hope. Oh, darling, there is an unfathomable power in the love of hope. The thought that there is something, is indubitable. Love is hope and hope is a never giving up thought...! ”

- Krishna Chhetri

“ Even if all things turn to ash, you will still have hope. Oh, darling, there is an unfathomable power in the love of hope. The thought that there is something, is indubitable. Love is hope and hope is a never giving up thought...! ”

- Krishna Chhetri

“ Cosmic conspiracy has set us apart, but destiny is comical ”

- Krishna Chhetri
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