Quotes of Kirk Kirkpatrick - somelinesforyou

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ If at first you don't succeed, take the tax loss. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick

“ Take a lesson from the mosquito. She never waits for an opening — she makes one. ”

- Kirk Kirkpatrick
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