Quotes of King Hu - somelinesforyou

“ Jordan seeks to play only one role, that of a model state. It is our aim to set an example for our Arab brethren, not one that they need follow but one that will inspire them to seek a higher, happier destiny within their own borders. ”

- King Hussein I

“ We believe democracy to be the only real guarantor of stability and we have sought to create a 'Jordanian model' that might also inspire others in our region. I wish democracy and peace to be my legacy to my people and the shield of generations to come. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Jordanians are responsible people and they will not be affected by what is said to undermine Parliament's role, dignity and its influence. ”

- King Hussein

“ We should face reality and our past mistakes in an honest, adult way. Boasting of glory does not make glory, and singing in the dark does not dispel fear. ”

- King Hussein

“ We believe that peace is not just signed papers, but rather a contract between generations for the building of a more promising and less threatening future. ”

- King Hussein I

“ I have a simple philosophy about life and death. How easily it comes and how easily it can end! What man can afford to waste time? At any moment death can claim anyone, and when it does, death itself is unimportant. The only thing that matters is the work that one has accomplished. ”

- King Hussein I

“ God willing, we shall come to a stage where the world looks at the Palestinian question, and Palestinian rights on Palestinian national soil, as well as the questions of the occupied Syrian and Lebanese territories. These are the bases on which peace will be built. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Without peace and without the overwhelming majority of people that believe in peace defending it, working for it, believing in it, security can never really be a reality. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Nothing is more useless in developing a nation's economy than a gun, and nothing blocks the road to social development more than the financial burden of war. War is the arch enemy of national progress and the modern scourge of civilized men. ”

- King Hussein I

“ I don't like James Bond. They made him a super hero, but he is just an agent, a human being. In my movies, secret agents are more realistic, I didn't want to portray them in the most glowing colours. ”

- King Hu

“ Under the auspices of peace, our comprehensive renaissance will be built, and it will be a model for those who wish to emulate it in the greater Arab homeland. ”

- King Hussein I

“ We believe that peace is not just signed papers, but rather a contract between generations for the building of a more promising and less threatening future. ”

- King Hussein I

“ A vast chasm separates objective, constructive criticism, which emanates from concern for the higher national good, from attempts at slander and defamation. Pluralism does not permit any side to claim a monopoly on truth. No side may claim for itself the sole prerogative to confer the quality of good citizenship… ”

- King Hussein I

“ I am ever mindful of the legacy of my grandfather, the founder of this Kingdom, who had said to me that he perceived his life as a link in a continuous chain of those who served our nation and that he expected me to be a new and strong link in the same chain. ”

- King Hussein I

“ I have a simple philosophy about life and death. How easily it comes and how easily it can end! What man can afford to waste time? At any moment death can claim anyone, and when it does, death itself is unimportant. The only thing that matters is the work that one has accomplished. ”

- King Hussein I

“ I am ever mindful of the legacy of my grandfather, the founder of this Kingdom, who had said to me that he perceived his life as a link in a continuous chain of those who served our nation and that he expected me to be a new and strong link in the same chain. ”

- King Hussein I

“ A vast chasm separates objective, constructive criticism, which emanates from concern for the higher national good, from attempts at slander and defamation. Pluralism does not permit any side to claim a monopoly on truth. No side may claim for itself the sole prerogative to confer the quality of good citizenship… ”

- King Hussein I

“ I have a simple philosophy about life and death. How easily it comes and how easily it can end! What man can afford to waste time? At any moment death can claim anyone, and when it does, death itself is unimportant. The only thing that matters is the work that one has accomplished. ”

- King Hussein I

“ I am ever mindful of the legacy of my grandfather, the founder of this Kingdom, who had said to me that he perceived his life as a link in a continuous chain of those who served our nation and that he expected me to be a new and strong link in the same chain. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Our earth is ailing. In its own language, it tells us that we must act together in a sustained and coordinated effort to help it heal. It seems self-evident that we should initiate or expand domestic strategies that lead to coordinated regional and global efforts. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Nothing is more useless in developing a nation's economy than a gun, and nothing blocks the road to social development more than the financial burden of war. War is the arch enemy of national progress and the modern scourge of civilized men. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Jordan itself is a beautiful country. It is wild, with limitless deserts where the Bedouin roam, but the mountains of the north are clothed in green forests, and where the Jordan River flows it is fertile and warm in winter. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Fundamentalism as it is called is not confined to the Muslim world. It is something that we have seen in different parts of the world. Let us hope that a dialogue between the followers of the three great monotheistic religions could help in putting an end to this. ”

- King Hussein I

“ I believe that the Arab world is never going to be a united nation, as had been hoped in the Arab Revolt, but something in a more modern context, similar to Europe. It is the only way. We have developed within each part of the Arab world our own identities, and unity in the future must be a unity of sovereign equals. ”

- King Hussein I

“ A vast chasm separates objective, constructive criticism, which emanates from concern for the higher national good, from attempts at slander and defamation. Pluralism does not permit any side to claim a monopoly on truth. No side may claim for itself the sole prerogative to confer the quality of good citizenship… ”

- King Hussein I

“ A vast chasm separates objective, constructive criticism, which emanates from concern for the higher national good, from attempts at slander and defamation. Pluralism does not permit any side to claim a monopoly on truth. No side may claim for itself the sole prerogative to confer the quality of good citizenship… ”

- King Hussein I

“ A vast chasm separates objective, constructive criticism, which emanates from concern for the higher national good, from attempts at slander and defamation. Pluralism does not permit any side to claim a monopoly on truth. No side may claim for itself the sole prerogative to confer the quality of good citizenship… ”

- King Hussein I

“ How can we resolve problems if we do not place ourselves in the position of others with whom we have problems? How can we move ahead if we do not have mutual respect for each other, and stemming from it, trust? How can we move ahead if we do not have a common objective that we are committed to reach? These are questions that are in the minds of many in our part of the world at this time. ”

- King Hussein I

“ We should face reality and our past mistakes in an honest, adult way. Boasting of glory does not make glory, and singing in the dark does not dispel fear. ”

- King Hussein

“ Fundamentalism as it is called is not confined to the Muslim world. It is something that we have seen in different parts of the world. Let us hope that a dialogue between the followers of the three great monotheistic religions could help in putting an end to this. ”

- King Hussein I
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