Quotes of Kim Stanley Robinson - somelinesforyou

“ They lived like monkeys still, while their new god powers lay around them in the weeds. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ The word of God came down to man as rain to soil, and the result was mud, not clear water. (Bistami) Pg. 128 ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ The vaunted experience of age was perhaps only a matter of wounds and scarring that young minds to old minds might be as young bodies to old bodies: stronger, more vital, less twisted by damage. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ You just don't have faith!" Frank repeated. "Well I hope I never get it! It's like being hit by a hammer in the head! ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ You just don't have faith!" Frank repeated. "Well I hope I never get it! It's like being hit by a hammer in the head! ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ We dream, we wake on a cold hillside, we pursue the dream again. In the beginning was the dream, and the work of disenchantment never ends. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ Economics was like psychology, a pseudoscience trying to hide that fact with intense theoretical hyperelaboration. And gross domestic product was one of those unfortunate measurement concepts, like inches or the British thermal unit, that ought to have been retired long before. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ Science was many things, Nadia thought, including a weapon with which to hit other scientists. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ They lived like monkeys still, while their new god powers lay around them in the weeds. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ He pointed to another number, changing as rapidly as the first, but on a lower trajectory; it rose to a high of 8.79 rem per hour. Several lifetimes of dentists’ Xrays, to be sure; but the radiation outside the storm shelter would have been a lethal dose, so they were getting off lightly. Still, the amount flying through the rest of the ship! Billions of particles were penetrating the ship and colliding with the atoms of water and metal they were huddled behind; hundreds of millions were flying between these atoms and then through the atoms of their bodies, touching nothing, as if they were no more than ghosts. Still, thousands were striking atoms of flesh and bone. Most of those collisions were harmless; but in all those thousands, there were in all probability one or two (or three?) in which a chromosome strand was taking a hit, and kinking in the wrong way: and there it was. Tumor initiation, begun with just that typo in the book of the self. And years later, unless the victim's DNA luckily repaired itself, the tumor promotion that was a more or less unavoidable part of living would have its effect, and there would appear a bloom of Something Else inside: cancer. Leukemia, most likely; and, most likely, death. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ Live for the future. A cosmic history read out of signs so subtle and mathematical that only the effort of a huge transtemporal group of powerful minds could ever have teased it out; but then those who came later could be given the whole story, with its unexplored edges there to take off into. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ There are ecological, biological, sociological, and psychological problems that can never be solved to make this idea work. The physical problems of propulsion have capture your fancy, and perhaps they can be solved, but they are the easy ones. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson

“ Statistically it was not greatly different than it had been for previous generations, but anecdotally it had become so prominent that every problem was noticed and remarked. The cognitive error called ease of representation thrust them into a space where every problem they witnessed convinced them they were in an unprecedented colapse. They were getting depressed. ”

- Kim Stanley Robinson
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