Quotes of Ken Watanabe - somelinesforyou

“ I have no name in the United States. I feel a freshman, and the-my career has no meaning in Japan. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ I have no name in the United States. I feel a freshman, and the-my career has no meaning in Japan. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ Instead, I found someone with an almost mythic character and I knew I had found the Chairman. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ Instead, I found someone with an almost mythic character and I knew I had found the Chairman. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ I have no name in the United States. I feel a freshman, and the-my career has no meaning in Japan. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ Instead, I found someone with an almost mythic character and I knew I had found the Chairman. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ Instead, I found someone with an almost mythic character and I knew I had found the Chairman. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ Instead, I found someone with an almost mythic character and I knew I had found the Chairman. ”

- Ken Watanabe

“ Instead, I found someone with an almost mythic character and I knew I had found the Chairman. ”

- Ken Watanabe
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