Quotes of Ken Davis - somelinesforyou

“ My daughter is a genius. that means that somewhere deep down, i must be a genius. i just haven't gone deep enough to find it yet. ”

- Ken Davis

“ My daughter is a genius. that means that somewhere deep down, i must be a genius. i just haven't gone deep enough to find it yet. ”

- Ken Davis

“ We look forward to planting the seeds necessary for us to grow and build not only a self-sustaining economy, but also our most valuable resource: the members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. ”

- Ken Davis

“ We look forward to planting the seeds necessary for us to grow and build not only a self-sustaining economy, but also our most valuable resource: the members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. ”

- Ken Davis

“ The longer i live, the more i realize how incredibly weak and fallible i am. my wife says that she has noticed it all along. ”

- Ken Davis

“ Natives, we have a great custom of sharing, so great we shared our country with you. ”

- Ken Davis

“ The longer i live, the more i realize how incredibly weak and fallible i am. my wife says that she has noticed it all along. ”

- Ken Davis
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