Quotes of Kelly Rowland - somelinesforyou

“ I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I think the most beautiful thing is that we're not parting because there were problems. We're parting because we're celebrating each others' growth. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I think the most beautiful thing is that we're not parting because there were problems. We're parting because we're celebrating each others' growth. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I love a guy that can be emotional and get in touch with his feminine side. It's really sweet. It says a lot about a man to me. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I love a guy that can be emotional and get in touch with his feminine side. It's really sweet. It says a lot about a man to me. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I ain't gonna get this, it's a horror movie, it's hard to act scared. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I ain't gonna get this, it's a horror movie, it's hard to act scared. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I think the most beautiful thing is that we're not parting because there were problems. We're parting because we're celebrating each others' growth. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I ain't gonna get this, it's a horror movie, it's hard to act scared. ”

- Kelly Rowland

“ I'm just steadily building myself up as Kelly Rowland, not just Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child, which is a blessing to be able to do that. ”

- Kelly Rowland
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