Quotes of Kate McGahan - somelinesforyou

“ Love can be found in unexpected places. Sometimes we go out searching for what we think we want and we end up with what we’re supposed to have. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ Going with the flow of life is like catching a train at the station. You need to be at the right station at the right time and board the right train to get you where you need to be. If you go earlier than you’re supposed to, you can catch the wrong train. You don’t want to do that because it will just take you further away from me than you feel you already are. You need to go through the growing pains of grief so that you and I can fulfill our destiny and be in the right place at the right time to be reunited again. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ Several times over the years Kate would tell me how she saw Grady in her dreams. In the dream Kate would say to her, “You can't be here, Grady, you died.” Inevitably as she said that, Grady would disappear, poof, just like that. I tried to explain to her that she needed to accept Grady into her dreams. She needed to give Grady permission to stay. Until she did, Grady would have to honor what Kate believed to be true. When Kate said, “You can’t be here,” Grady could not stay. That’s the way it works. A loyal dog obeys its master, even beyond the grave. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ It is through the heart that we see, hear and feel most clearly. It is like a radio signal. When it is strong the heart is like a megaphone and I get your message loud and clear. You message echoes throughout the universe when it comes from the heart on the wings of intention and faith. It is the most direct line of communication in existence once you filter out the “interference” of worry and doubt in your head, the thoughts that don’t matter and only serve to block the reception. Your intention is the force, love is the connection and faith is the key that opens the door between you and me. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ Today I Googled God. How happy He must be that I am searching for Him. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ The dealing with grief cannot be bypassed. It is a road you must walk, a race you must finish and no one else can do it for you. If you try to sneak through it without it seeing you, it will seep into your life when you least expect it. Grief will not let you go until you satisfy what it came to teach you. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ Once you know this kind of love, you will never question love again. You’ll know it when you see it. You’ll know it when you feel it. You will never be confused by something that is something else. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ Once you know true love you will never again be deceived by its counterfeit. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ You don’t need to teach your heart anything. It already knows everything. ”

- Kate McGahan

“ The heart holds all the knowledge of the universe. Most people barely scratch the surface of what the heart contains. They don’t get out of their overanxious minds. They don’t realize that the entire universe resides in the heart and that is where Everything is waiting. ”

- Kate McGahan
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