Quotes of Kate Hudson - somelinesforyou

“ In the early 1980s when the British government decided to purchase the Trident nuclear weapons system, Britain faced a perceived threat from the nuclear-armed Soviet Union. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ I think Galliano is one of the most thrilling designers. He uses lots of color. I really enjoy his clothes. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ I'm superstitious... but not like wear the same underwear for two weeks superstitious. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ In the early 1980s when the British government decided to purchase the Trident nuclear weapons system, Britain faced a perceived threat from the nuclear-armed Soviet Union. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ I have a big, flamboyant, open personality, which I think is why people may be saying these nice things about me. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ I think Galliano is one of the most thrilling designers. He uses lots of color. I really enjoy his clothes. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ I did not like leaving them when they were little or big. You have to have priorities regarding what you will allow to take you away from your kid. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ Reporting Iran to the Security Council is a disappointing step backwards in nuclear non-proliferation. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ I did not like leaving them when they were little or big. You have to have priorities regarding what you will allow to take you away from your kid. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ My big New Year's resolution is to be more patient. My thing is I'm always rushing myself to make sure everything gets done. My thing is to kick back a little bit... start soaking it in now. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ I'm superstitious... but not like wear the same underwear for two weeks superstitious. ”

- Kate Hudson

“ Reporting Iran to the Security Council is a disappointing step backwards in nuclear non-proliferation. ”

- Kate Hudson
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