Quotes of Karl Malone - somelinesforyou

“ Give them credit. They won the game. ”

- Karl Malone

“ Give them credit. They won the game. ”

- Karl Malone

“ I just think we want to stay healthy, and I don't think we think about a sense of urgency. We realize how old we are, we realize we've been playing this game for a long time, but you know what? We're not done yet. ”

- Karl Malone

“ I just think we want to stay healthy, and I don't think we think about a sense of urgency. We realize how old we are, we realize we've been playing this game for a long time, but you know what? We're not done yet. ”

- Karl Malone

“ I just think we want to stay healthy, and I don't think we think about a sense of urgency. We realize how old we are, we realize we've been playing this game for a long time, but you know what? We're not done yet. ”

- Karl Malone

“ I think we're a deeper team, a better team, we still have work to do… nothing is guaranteed, but hopefully we got the mentality to play on the road, and we're starting to get our home thing back in order now-if we can do that we'll be just fine. ”

- Karl Malone

“ I think we're a deeper team, a better team, we still have work to do… nothing is guaranteed, but hopefully we got the mentality to play on the road, and we're starting to get our home thing back in order now-if we can do that we'll be just fine. ”

- Karl Malone

“ Starting off my career, I wasn't a good free throw shooter, and I worked at it and worked at it, and now I want to go up there and shoot free throws, and now… it's kind of mind-boggling, when you think about how many guys have played the game… when I finish playing and I look back on it, I think it'll be huge… ”

- Karl Malone

“ I just think we want to stay healthy, and I don't think we think about a sense of urgency. We realize how old we are, we realize we've been playing this game for a long time, but you know what? We're not done yet. ”

- Karl Malone

“ Starting off my career, I wasn't a good free throw shooter, and I worked at it and worked at it, and now I want to go up there and shoot free throws, and now… it's kind of mind-boggling, when you think about how many guys have played the game… when I finish playing and I look back on it, I think it'll be huge… ”

- Karl Malone

“ I think we're a deeper team, a better team, we still have work to do… nothing is guaranteed, but hopefully we got the mentality to play on the road, and we're starting to get our home thing back in order now-if we can do that we'll be just fine. ”

- Karl Malone

“ Starting off my career, I wasn't a good free throw shooter, and I worked at it and worked at it, and now I want to go up there and shoot free throws, and now… it's kind of mind-boggling, when you think about how many guys have played the game… when I finish playing and I look back on it, I think it'll be huge… ”

- Karl Malone
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