Quotes of Karen Allen - somelinesforyou

“ I was so lucky. I was very broke and I was taking classes at Lee Strasberg's Institute and I saw a 3 X 5 index card on the bulletin board advertising for college-aged girls for a film. That was Animal House. ”

- Karen Allen

“ Idleness does drive me crazy, but I'd rather read or write than do anything just to work. A kind of respect has been instilled in me for acting: I love it too much to ever have a bad relationship with it. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I loved living and breathing theatre so much that I decided I had to find a way to bring my desire to act and my ability to support myself together. I'd run through the possibilities in Washington, so that meant moving to New York. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've never done anything for money. My first love is things of limited commercial appeal. I could be happy doing Shakespeare for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ Someone born in Brazil is an American. Anyone born on the western hemisphere is an American. American is not a nationality. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I was so lucky. I was very broke and I was taking classes at Lee Strasberg's Institute and I saw a 3 X 5 index card on the bulletin board advertising for college-aged girls for a film. That was Animal House. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I was so lucky. I was very broke and I was taking classes at Lee Strasberg's Institute and I saw a 3 X 5 index card on the bulletin board advertising for college-aged girls for a film. That was Animal House. ”

- Karen Allen

“ Idleness does drive me crazy, but I'd rather read or write than do anything just to work. A kind of respect has been instilled in me for acting: I love it too much to ever have a bad relationship with it. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I was so lucky. I was very broke and I was taking classes at Lee Strasberg's Institute and I saw a 3 X 5 index card on the bulletin board advertising for college-aged girls for a film. That was Animal House. ”

- Karen Allen

“ Someone born in Brazil is an American. Anyone born on the western hemisphere is an American. American is not a nationality. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ Eventually you love people - friends or lovers - because of their flaws. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I loved living and breathing theatre so much that I decided I had to find a way to bring my desire to act and my ability to support myself together. I'd run through the possibilities in Washington, so that meant moving to New York. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I loved living and breathing theatre so much that I decided I had to find a way to bring my desire to act and my ability to support myself together. I'd run through the possibilities in Washington, so that meant moving to New York. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I loved living and breathing theatre so much that I decided I had to find a way to bring my desire to act and my ability to support myself together. I'd run through the possibilities in Washington, so that meant moving to New York. ”

- Karen Allen

“ Someone born in Brazil is an American. Anyone born on the western hemisphere is an American. American is not a nationality. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I've always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I'll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ”

- Karen Allen

“ I loved living and breathing theatre so much that I decided I had to find a way to bring my desire to act and my ability to support myself together. I'd run through the possibilities in Washington, so that meant moving to New York. ”

- Karen Allen
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