Quotes of Juan Ramon Jimenez - somelinesforyou

“ In solitude one finds only what he carries there with him. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Life. This morning the sun made me adore it. It had, behind the dripping pine trees, the oriental brightness, orange and crimson, of a living being, a rose and an apple, in the physical and ideal fusion of a true and daily paradise. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Sharp nostalgia, infinite and terrible, for what I already possess. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Sharp nostalgia, infinite and terrible, for what I already possess. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Each day, each hour, an entire life. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ The greatest assassin of life is haste, the desire to reach things before the right time - which means overreaching them. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Sharp nostalgia, infinite and terrible, for what I already possess. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ A permanent state of transition is man's most noble condition. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Sharp nostalgia, infinite and terrible, for what I already possess. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ The greatest assassin of life is haste, the desire to reach things before the right time - which means overreaching them. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ The greatest assassin of life is haste, the desire to reach things before the right time - which means overreaching them. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Sharp nostalgia, infinite and terrible, for what I already possess. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ The greatest assassin of life is haste, the desire to reach things before the right time - which means overreaching them. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ A permanent state of transition is man's most noble condition. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ A permanent state of transition is man's most noble condition. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ Sharp nostalgia, infinite and terrible, for what I already possess. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez

“ It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything. ”

- Juan Ramón Jiménez
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