Quotes of Joyce Meyer - somelinesforyou

“ When you are tempted to give up, your breakthrough is probably just around the corner. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ I may not be where I need to be but at least I am not where I used to be. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Faith is having a positive attitude about what you can do and not worrying at all about what you can’t do. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Hope is having a positive attitude about everything that happens in life no matter what it is. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Hope is a positive expectation that something good is going to happen. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Our joy does not have to be based on our circumstances. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Calm down and cheer up – You’re equipped to handle it. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Just relax and let God be God. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Patience is a fruit of the spirit that grows only under trial. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Pride is the problem, humility is the answer. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Humility is the most beautiful virtue that we can develop. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Humility requires discipline of the tongue. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Even if you believe you are right, consider the possibility that you could be wrong. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Humility is the foundation for every good attitude. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Meekness and humility are two of the most beautiful aspects of love. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ A truly humble person doesn’t engage in self-depreciation – they appreciate all their amazing talents and abilities and recognize they are gifts from God. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ It’s never too late for a new beginning in your life. ”

- Joyce Meyers

“ God’s mercy is fresh and new every morning. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ If you don’t learn to control your thoughts, you will never learn how to control you behavior. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ I’ve learned through my own relationship with God that He’s not expecting me to be perfect; He wants me to do my best to be in His will and take steps of faith as He leads me, through His Word and the promptings He speaks to my heart. ”

- Joyce Meyer

“ When doubt comes against us, we have to lift up the shield of faith. We do this when we open our mouth and say what God’s Word says, rather than grumbling and complaining about the problem. ”

- Joyce Meyer
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