Quotes of Joyce Jillson - somelinesforyou

“ There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand. ”

- Joyce Jillson

“ There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand. ”

- Joyce Jillson

“ There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand. ”

- Joyce Jillson

“ There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand. ”

- Joyce Jillson

“ There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand. ”

- Joyce Jillson

“ There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand. ”

- Joyce Jillson

“ There are times not to flirt. When you're sick. When you're with children. When you're on the witness stand. ”

- Joyce Jillson
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