Quotes of John Witherspoon - somelinesforyou

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of men. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of men. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Sin is of a contagious and spreading nature, and the human heart is but too susceptible of the infection. This may be ascribed to several causes, and to one in particular which is applicable to the present case, that the seeing of sin frequently committed, must gradually abate that horror which we ought to have of it upon our minds, and which serves to keep us from yielding to its solicitations. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Sin is of a contagious and spreading nature, and the human heart is but too susceptible of the infection. This may be ascribed to several causes, and to one in particular which is applicable to the present case, that the seeing of sin frequently committed, must gradually abate that horror which we ought to have of it upon our minds, and which serves to keep us from yielding to its solicitations. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of men. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of men. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never read a book through merely because you have begun it. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Sin is of a contagious and spreading nature, and the human heart is but too susceptible of the infection. This may be ascribed to several causes, and to one in particular which is applicable to the present case, that the seeing of sin frequently committed, must gradually abate that horror which we ought to have of it upon our minds, and which serves to keep us from yielding to its solicitations. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon

“ Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease. ”

- John Witherspoon
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