Quotes of John Walker Lindh - somelinesforyou

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is a major sin to break a contract, especially in military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is considered a major sin to break a contract, if you agreed, especially with military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is a major sin to break a contract, especially in military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is considered a major sin to break a contract, if you agreed, especially with military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is a major sin to break a contract, especially in military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is considered a major sin to break a contract, if you agreed, especially with military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is a major sin to break a contract, especially in military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ It is considered a major sin to break a contract, if you agreed, especially with military situations. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I tell you, to be honest, every single one of us, without any exaggeration, every single one of us was 100 percent sure that we would all be… all be martyred, but you know, Allah chooses to take a person's life when he chooses. And we have no control over. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I tell you, to be honest, every single one of us, without any exaggeration, every single one of us was 100 percent sure that we would all be… all be martyred, but you know, Allah chooses to take a person's life when he chooses. And we have no control over. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I tell you, to be honest, every single one of us, without any exaggeration, every single one of us was 100 percent sure that we would all be… all be martyred, but you know, Allah chooses to take a person's life when he chooses. And we have no control over. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I lived in a region in the northwestern province - the people there in general have a great love for the Taliban, so I started to read some of the literature of the scholars and the history of the movement. And my heart became attached to them. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I lived in a region in the northwestern province - the people there in general have a great love for the Taliban, so I started to read some of the literature of the scholars and the history of the movement. And my heart became attached to them. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many people who were connected with the Taliban. ”

- John Walker Lindh

“ I lived in a region in the northwestern province - the people there in general have a great love for the Taliban, so I started to read some of the literature of the scholars and the history of the movement. And my heart became attached to them. ”

- John Walker Lindh
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