Quotes of John Neal - somelinesforyou

“ We've got guys playing from all over the country playing here, East Coast, West Coast; plus you are on national television. It's a way to show the world you can play. ”

- John Neal

“ I'm a huge (Dallas) Cowboys fan, I'm so excited, I can't wait. ”

- John Neal

“ I'm a huge (Dallas) Cowboys fan, I'm so excited, I can't wait. ”

- John Neal

“ We've got guys playing from all over the country playing here, East Coast, West Coast; plus you are on national television. It's a way to show the world you can play. ”

- John Neal

“ Kites rise against, not with the wind. No man has ever worked his passage anywhere in a dead calm. ”

- John Neal

“ A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with, the wind. ”

- John Neal

“ J.D. very seldom has a bad practice. ”

- John Neal

“ J.D. very seldom has a bad practice. ”

- John Neal

“ Kites rise against, not with the wind. No man has ever worked his passage anywhere in a dead calm. ”

- John Neal

“ The practice set up at the different shelters off of the Hill,... Susan Gisler, our nurse practitioner, helped with getting medication to patients who left the Hill without their prescriptions. Dr. Schoonover and I worked out of the Pojoaque and Santa Fe shelters… ”

- John Neal

“ This is an interesting practice in that a lot of different things - from issues due to poverty, to issues due to affluence, have an impact on our patients,... It is a very international practice. I speak just enough Spanish to get into trouble. Dr. Csanadi speaks Hungarian. ”

- John Neal

“ Kites rise against, not with the wind. No man has ever worked his passage anywhere in a dead calm. ”

- John Neal
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