Quotes of John Mills - somelinesforyou

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ I'm basically running to eliminate my job. ”

- John Mills

“ I'm basically running to eliminate my job. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ There's no reason to run against an incumbent who is doing a good job. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ There's no reason to run against an incumbent who is doing a good job. ”

- John Mills

“ I'm basically running to eliminate my job. ”

- John Mills

“ We're all in a waiting game until all the incumbents finalize their decisions. ”

- John Mills

“ I'm basically running to eliminate my job. ”

- John Mills

“ I've never considered myself to be working for a living; I've enjoyed myself for a living instead. ”

- John Mills
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