Quotes of John Massey - somelinesforyou

“ To be honest with you, for a freshman to step into that environment against that caliber of a team is phenomenal. ”

- John Massey

“ All of the environment should express a higher, more-ordered, broadly-complete dedication to the well-designed. ”

- John Massey

“ All of the environment should express a higher, more-ordered, broadly-complete dedication to the well-designed. ”

- John Massey

“ All of the environment should express a higher, more-ordered, broadly-complete dedication to the well-designed. ”

- John Massey

“ To be honest with you, for a freshman to step into that environment against that caliber of a team is phenomenal. ”

- John Massey

“ To be honest with you, for a freshman to step into that environment against that caliber of a team is phenomenal. ”

- John Massey

“ To be honest with you, for a freshman to step into that environment against that caliber of a team is phenomenal. ”

- John Massey

“ All of the environment should express a higher, more-ordered, broadly-complete dedication to the well-designed. ”

- John Massey

“ To be honest with you, for a freshman to step into that environment against that caliber of a team is phenomenal. ”

- John Massey

“ It's frustrating. But we sign it, and we take responsibility for it. ”

- John Massey

“ To be honest with you, for a freshman to step into that environment against that caliber of a team is phenomenal. ”

- John Massey

“ To be honest with you, for a freshman to step into that environment against that caliber of a team is phenomenal. ”

- John Massey
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