Quotes of John Chatfield - somelinesforyou

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield

“ Good and bad luck is a synonym, in the great majority of instances, for good and bad judgment. ”

- John Chatfield
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