Quotes of John Carey - somelinesforyou

“ The greatest hindrance to growth in faith is comfortable living. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey

“ A blank helpless sort of face, rather like a rose just before you drench it with D.D.T. ”

- John Carey
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