Quotes of John Barbour - somelinesforyou

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Ah! Freedom is a noble thing! Freedom makes man to have liking: freedom all solace to man gives: he lives at ease that freely lives! ”

- John Barbour

“ And should think freedom more to prize, than all the gold in world that is. ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Ah! Freedom is a noble thing! Freedom makes man to have liking: freedom all solace to man gives: he lives at ease that freely lives! ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Ah! Freedom is a noble thing! Freedom makes man to have liking: freedom all solace to man gives: he lives at ease that freely lives! ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Ah! Freedom is a noble thing! Freedom makes man to have liking: freedom all solace to man gives: he lives at ease that freely lives! ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ And should think freedom more to prize, than all the gold in world that is. ”

- John Barbour

“ Ah! Freedom is a noble thing! Freedom makes man to have liking: freedom all solace to man gives: he lives at ease that freely lives! ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ Ah! Freedom is a noble thing! Freedom makes man to have liking: freedom all solace to man gives: he lives at ease that freely lives! ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ And should think freedom more to prize, than all the gold in world that is. ”

- John Barbour

“ Freedom all solace to man gives: He lives at ease that freely lives. ”

- John Barbour

“ And should think freedom more to prize, than all the gold in world that is. ”

- John Barbour
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