Quotes of Johann Von Schiller - somelinesforyou

“ It is base to filch a purse, daring to embezzle a million, but it is great beyond measure to steal a crown. The sin lessens as the guilt increases. ”

- Johann Von Schiller

“ Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor. ”

- Johann Von Schiller

“ Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor. ”

- Johann Von Schiller

“ Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor. ”

- Johann Von Schiller

“ It is base to filch a purse, daring to embezzle a million, but it is great beyond measure to steal a crown. The sin lessens as the guilt increases. ”

- Johann Von Schiller

“ Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor. ”

- Johann Von Schiller
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