Quotes of Johann Hari - somelinesforyou

“ Depression is, in part, grief for your own life not turning out how it should; grief for your own needs not being met. ”

- Johann Hari

“ Depression isn’t a disease; depression is a normal response to abnormal life experiences. ”

- Johann Hari

“ The act of releasing your shame is – in itself – healing. ”

- Johann Hari

“ The scientific evidence is clear that exercise significantly reduces depression and anxiety. ”

- Johann Hari

“ There are real brain changes that can happen when you become depressed that can make it harder to get out. ”

- Johann Hari

“ The more you think life is about having stuff and superiority and showing it off, the more unhappy, and the more depressed and anxious, you will be. ”

- Johann Hari

“ Loneliness hangs over our culture today like a thick smog. ”

- Johann Hari

“ It’s horrifying that many mental health services turn away people with addiction problems, telling them to “sort out their addiction first” – as if addiction isn’t fuelled by problems like depression or psychosis. ”

- Johann Hari

“ When they talk among themselves, advertising people have been admitting since the 1920s that their job is to make people feel inadequate – and then offer their product as the solution to the sense of inadequacy they have created. ”

- Johann Hari

“ I respect you as a person too much to respect your ridiculous beliefs. ”

- Johann Hari
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