Quotes of Joe Conason - somelinesforyou

“ The smarter conservatives, in my view, probably know that a lot of the things they're saying are not true, which only makes them say them with greater certainty. But there's another level of conservative spokesperson who probably believes every word of his or her propaganda and are immune to facts, immune to argument. ”

- Joe Conason

“ Conservatives truly love America and support the armed forces, while liberals are unpatriotic draft dodgers. ”

- Joe Conason

“ Conservatives truly love America and support the armed forces, while liberals are unpatriotic draft dodgers. ”

- Joe Conason

“ As far as I can tell, the Republicans, at least on Capitol Hill, are far more immoral, by their own standards, than the Democrats are. ”

- Joe Conason

“ Conservatives truly love America and support the armed forces, while liberals are unpatriotic draft dodgers. ”

- Joe Conason

“ As far as I can tell, the Republicans, at least on Capitol Hill, are far more immoral, by their own standards, than the Democrats are. ”

- Joe Conason

“ The smarter conservatives, in my view, probably know that a lot of the things they're saying are not true, which only makes them say them with greater certainty. But there's another level of conservative spokesperson who probably believes every word of his or her propaganda and are immune to facts, immune to argument. ”

- Joe Conason

“ The smarter conservatives, in my view, probably know that a lot of the things they're saying are not true, which only makes them say them with greater certainty. But there's another level of conservative spokesperson who probably believes every word of his or her propaganda and are immune to facts, immune to argument. ”

- Joe Conason

“ The smarter conservatives, in my view, probably know that a lot of the things they're saying are not true, which only makes them say them with greater certainty. But there's another level of conservative spokesperson who probably believes every word of his or her propaganda and are immune to facts, immune to argument. ”

- Joe Conason

“ As far as I can tell, the Republicans, at least on Capitol Hill, are far more immoral, by their own standards, than the Democrats are. ”

- Joe Conason

“ As far as I can tell, the Republicans, at least on Capitol Hill, are far more immoral, by their own standards, than the Democrats are. ”

- Joe Conason
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