Quotes of Jerry Lee Lewis - somelinesforyou

“ I am right. I`m always right. One time I thought I was wrong, I found out I was right. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ If I'm going to Hell, I'm going there playing the piano. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ If I'm going to Hell, I'm going there playing the piano. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ As long as they gimme a piano I'll be out there. They try to take that away, I'm gonna kick some ass. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ If I'm going to Hell, I'm going there playing the piano. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ As long as they gimme a piano I'll be out there. They try to take that away, I'm gonna kick some ass. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ When they look back on me I want 'em to remember me not for all my wives, although I've had a few, and certainly not for any mansions or high livin' money I made and spent. I want 'em to remember me simply for my music. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ When they look back on me I want 'em to remember me not for all my wives, although I've had a few, and certainly not for any mansions or high livin' money I made and spent. I want 'em to remember me simply for my music. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ If I'm going to Hell, I'm going there playing the piano. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ I'm a rompin', stompin', piano playing son of a bitch. A mean son of a bitch. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ As long as they gimme a piano I'll be out there. They try to take that away, I'm gonna kick some ass. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ I'm a rompin', stompin', piano playing son of a bitch. A mean son of a bitch. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ If I'm going to Hell, I'm going there playing the piano. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ When they look back on me I want 'em to remember me not for all my wives, although I've had a few, and certainly not for any mansions or high livin' money I made and spent. I want 'em to remember me simply for my music. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ I'm a rompin', stompin', piano playing son of a bitch. A mean son of a bitch. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ If I'm going to Hell, I'm going there playing the piano. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ When they look back on me I want 'em to remember me not for all my wives, although I've had a few, and certainly not for any mansions or high livin' money I made and spent. I want 'em to remember me simply for my music. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis

“ Y'know, there's nothin' like tearing up a good club now and then. ”

- Jerry Lee Lewis
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