Quotes of Jeremy Preston Johnson - somelinesforyou

“ If we catch a glimpse of freedom, we wish to possess it; if we catch a glimpse of death, we want nothing to do with it. One we cannot have, the other we cannot avoid. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Drugs are reality's legal loopholes. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ If we catch a glimpse of freedom, we wish to possess it; if we catch a glimpse of death, we want nothing to do with it. One we cannot have, the other we cannot avoid. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Drugs are reality's legal loopholes. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Drugs are reality's legal loopholes. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ If we catch a glimpse of freedom, we wish to possess it; if we catch a glimpse of death, we want nothing to do with it. One we cannot have, the other we cannot avoid. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Parents are traffic signs that are always in our blind spots. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Parents are traffic signs that are always in our blind spots. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Parents are traffic signs that are always in our blind spots. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Parents are traffic signs that are always in our blind spots. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson

“ Every man wishes to rule the world. Unfortunately, the world rules every man. ”

- Jeremy Preston Johnson
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