Quotes of Jennifer Garner - somelinesforyou

“ I would roll up pennies to take the subway to work in Times Square. I was broke, but I was happy. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ Elektra is larger than life and wears her sexuality on her sleeve. So I was wearing clothes that were 100 per cent sexy. And just giving in to that. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ Beauty comes from a life well lived. If you've lived well, your smile lines are in the right places, and your frown lines aren't too bad, what more do you need? ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ Elektra is larger than life and wears her sexuality on her sleeve. So I was wearing clothes that were 100 per cent sexy. And just giving in to that. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I would roll up pennies to take the subway to work in Times Square. I was broke, but I was happy. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I would roll up pennies to take the subway to work in Times Square. I was broke, but I was happy. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ My big sister Melissa, is such a stud and my little sister Suzanna, has always had a perfect body and big blue eyes. We were a force. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner

“ I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming. ”

- Jennifer Garner
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