Quotes of Jeffrey Miller - somelinesforyou

“ This contract is so one-sided that I am astonished to find it written on both sides of the paper. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ Courts are not immune to the sadness and tragedy that a case represents. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ Courts are not immune to the sadness and tragedy that a case represents. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ Courts are not immune to the sadness and tragedy that a case represents. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ The Associated Press merely distributed a truthful story, with photos that depict a topic of great public interest. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ This contract is so one-sided that I am astonished to find it written on both sides of the paper. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ Courts are not immune to the sadness and tragedy that a case represents. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ Courts are not immune to the sadness and tragedy that a case represents. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ This contract is so one-sided that I am astonished to find it written on both sides of the paper. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ The human wreckage in this case is extraordinary,... It spans everything from acquittal to conviction to death when you really think about it. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ Courts are not immune to the sadness and tragedy that a case represents. ”

- Jeffrey Miller

“ This contract is so one-sided that I am astonished to find it written on both sides of the paper. ”

- Jeffrey Miller
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