Quotes of Jeffrey David Lang - somelinesforyou

“ There will be times in life when impossibility is felt, but then there are dreams - and dreams allow us possibility. ”

- Jeffrey David Lang

“ There will be times in life when impossibility is felt, but then there are dreams - and dreams allow us possibility. ”

- Jeffrey David Lang

“ Ultimate failure does not come in the loss of a great goal, but in the loss of will to strive for another. ”

- Jeffrey David Lang

“ Ultimate failure does not come in the loss of a great goal, but in the loss of will to strive for another. ”

- Jeffrey David Lang

“ There will be times in life when impossibility is felt, but then there are dreams - and dreams allow us possibility. ”

- Jeffrey David Lang

“ Ultimate failure does not come in the loss of a great goal, but in the loss of will to strive for another. ”

- Jeffrey David Lang
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