Quotes of Jay Asher - somelinesforyou

“ If my love were an ocean, there would be no more land. If my love were a desert, you would see only sand. If my love were a star late at night, only light. And if my love could grow wings, I'd be soaring in flight. ”

- Jay Asher

“ No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same. ”

- Jay Asher

“ I can't. You can't rewrite the past. ”

- Jay Asher

“ Maybe if I forgot things once in a while, we'd all be a little bit happier. ”

- Jay Asher

“ But I do know which is the least popular. The truth. ”

- Jay Asher

“ Justin, honey, you were my very first kiss. My very first hand to hold. But you were nothing more than an average guy. And I don't say that to be mean I don't. There was just something about you that made me need to be your girlfriend to this day I don't know exactly what that was. But it was there.. and it was amazingly strong. Thirteen Reasons Why ”

- Jay Asher

“ It's your heart. No one else gets a say in that. ”

- Jay Asher

“ You need to figure out what you want, Josh. If that means you need to swim against the tide to get it, at least youre aiming for something that could make you very happy. ”

- Jay Asher
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